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Văn bản từ Mortis_ - English

    • fictional speech for an Convention of global warming

    • I know there are many invironmental problems we have to solve these days, but can you imagine, there are places made of waste ?
    • Can you imagine how dangerous this enormious piles of rubbish had to be?
    • And can you imagine that thousend of people have to life there?
    • Now, you, Ladys and Gentlemen, might think this terible circumstances can't exist in our world.
    • Or you probably think, even if such a horrible place was formed, it wouldn't make a living doing nowadays.
    • But .. you are wrong.
    • It's our fault and most notably our responsibility to change the system, stop global warming and help the people who depend on us.
    • Many people life and work between tonns of waste to survive day by day, most time because thair homecountries cannot support them.
    • But of what kind of waste are we talking about ?
    • Where does it come from ?
  • The first question is easy to answer.
  • It's primarily electrical waste, like old fridges or broken mobile phones.
    • Now the tricky sacond question.
    • Strictly speaking, there are laws about the right handling of electrical waste disposal, but even the governments disregard the rouls and export the waste to developing countries, like districts near Gahna.
    • And Europe only contributes two-thireds of thair waste, of course illegal.
    • Additionaly it should be mantioned, for thoese who still can't see any problems, that much waste gets simply burned and as a consequence we have to deal with a high and rapidly rising polution of the environment, so the water gets unusable, the greenhouse effect gets boosted and by the way the risk of health demage inceases.
    • So what can we do to make our world a better place ? We demand..
    • - much more controll, so every country realy obey the law - easyer and free ways of electrical waste disposal for citizens - and more education of the reality

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
    • fictional speech for an Convention of global warming
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • fFictional speech for an C convention of global warming
    • fictional speech for an Convention of global warmingHello dear I just verify your details from this site and I find it interesting and i would like to become your friend so that we can share ideas and things together. You can mail me back on lilianwashburn@hotmail.com if you don`t mind.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • fFictional sSpeech for an Convention of g Global wWarming Convention.
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  • câu 1
    • I know there are many invironmental problems we have to solve these days, but can you imagine, there are places made of waste ?
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I know there are many ienvironmental problems we have to solve these days, but ¶can you imagine, that there are places made of waste ?
    • I know tThere are many ienvironmental problemsdilemmas that we have to solve these days, but ¶can you imagine,one of the most pressing problems is that there are places made of waste ?.
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    • It's our fault and most notably our responsibility to change the system, stop global warming and help the people who depend on us.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • It's our is society's fault and, most notably our, society's responsibility to change the system, stop global warming and help the peopleour fellow humans who depend on us.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 7
  • câu 8
    • Many people life and work between tonns of waste to survive day by day, most time because thair homecountries cannot support them.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Many people lifve and work between tonns of waste to survive day bevery day, most of the time because thaeir home countries cannot support them.
    • Many people lifve and work between tonns of waste to survive day bevery day, most of time because thaeir home countriesy's government cannot support them.
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    • Strictly speaking, there are laws about the right handling of electrical waste disposal, but even the governments disregard the rouls and export the waste to developing countries, like districts near Gahna.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Strictly speaking, there are laws about the right handling of electrical waste disposal, b. But even the governments disregards the roules and exports the waste to developing countries, like districts near Gahna.
    • StrictLegally speaking, there are laws about the rightproper handling of electrical waste disposal, but even the governments have disregarded the roullaws and exported the waste to developing countries, lik and areas like the districts near Gahna.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 14
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    • Additionaly it should be mantioned, for thoese who still can't see any problems, that much waste gets simply burned and as a consequence we have to deal with a high and rapidly rising polution of the environment, so the water gets unusable, the greenhouse effect gets boosted and by the way the risk of health demage inceases.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Additionally it should be maentioned, for thoese who still can't see any problems, that much waste gets simply burned and a. As a consequence we have to deal with a high and rapidly rising pollution of the environment, so; the water getbecomes unusable, the greenhouse effect getis boosted and by the wayalso the risk of health deamage increases.
    • Additionaly iIt should be maentioned, for thoese who still can'do not see any problems, that much waste gets simply burned and as a simple solution. As a consequence, we have to deal with a high and rapidly rising level of pollution ofin the environment, so the water get. Water becomes unusable, the greenhouse effect gets boosted, and by the way the risk of health deamage increases.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 16
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  • câu 18
    • - much more controll, so every country realy obey the law - easyer and free ways of electrical waste disposal for citizens - and more education of the reality
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • - much more controll, so every country really obeys the law¶ - easyier and free ways of electrical waste disposal for citizens¶ - and more education of the reality
    • - much moremore legal controll, so every country reamust truly obey the law¶ -, an easyier and free ways of disposing electrical waste disposal for citizens¶ -, and more public education of the realitydangers of Global Warming.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 18