
Text de - English


  • in the teachers room we were commenting on the quirks of lawns, the new colleague, when someone from the window, we notice that was already in the garden.
  • We remain silent, with the faces attentive.
  • The door was opened and for a moment the silver light of the afternoon fluttered on the shoulders of lawns.
  • Greet you with a head tilt and was a sign.
  • Then we saw that lifted two hands fraught with thorns.
  • Stroke a scribble and without looking at no one got out quickly.
  • Days later we appeared in the middle of the room and give us time to interrupt our conversation.
  • Approached the desk and take the pen showed the hands swollen by the blisters of the fire.
  • Another day - whether the teachers we had become accustomed to vigilarselas - are we saw bites, torn apart.
  • Signed as they could and it was.
  • Céspedes was like the wind: if we spoke we went with the voice. Spent a week.
  • We knew that he had not given classes.
  • Nobody knew where she was.
  • In his house he had not slept.
  • In the early hours of Saturday morning a student what was found lying among the rhododendrons of the garden.
  • He was dead, without hands.
  • They had been pulled off.
  • It was found that Céspedes had gone to the hunting of the archangel without wings who knows all the secrets.
  • Perhaps Céspedes was at the point they are hatched on several occasions.
  • If so, the archangel due sneak on several occasions.
  • Probably the archangel created the first time a thicket, the second a fireplace, the third a beast with open jaws, and each time was precipitated into their own creations by dragging the hands of lawns until the, of pain, had to drop.
  • Perhaps the last time de Céspedes endured the penalty and not released; and the archangel without wings again humiliated his kingdom, with hands of man lights on for always to their backs celestial. Go to know!