
Сообщение от Brocky - English

  • A roommate's characteristics.

  • PS: The essay was written in 30 min.
  • Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university.
  • What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate?
    • Use spe-cific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
    • Study is an amazing experience in life.
  • Most of the people have studied and attended schools and universities.
    • It would definitely help students to learn about life about different situations, especially if students had the opportunity to share a housing with other individuals who are studying with them.
    • There are many qualities for the people who would live with you while being in dormitory, I will share two of the main characteristics for a good person to have room with.
    • Firstly, it would be an ideal decision, if you had a person similar to you.
    • This would help you to have less arguements whenever you open any topic to discuss.
    • It would also encourage you to speak about any issue without worrying about the other's thoughts since you posses the same ideas about politics, music, and movies.
    • For example, when I started my first year in university in Batna 5 years ago, I had to roomate a person that I do not from before.
    • After some time sitting together, it turned out that we have different beliefs about life, and we had disagreements in many topics we opened to speak about.
    • I could not stay for long with him, so I had to look for another partner who is willing to share the aparement with me.
    • After some researches that I made, I found a person who is studying civil engineering whereas I was studying safety engineering.
    • Beside the point that we have different branches, it was an ideal person to live with due to the similarities that we had together.
    • I had passed with him one of best moments in hanging outside time to time, traveling to different places in summer.
  • As you can see, an identical individual would absolutely be an ideal person to live with.
    • The second quality is the person should be trustworthy, also being an open minded as well.
    • It would not let you settle down in your new room with somone that you do not trust.
    • As each time being worried, and skeptical about this student that you're sharing four walls with.
    • For instance, my friend who was staying with me during my studies.
    • He told me once, when were talking about the characteristic a student must have in order to be with is saying the truth.
    • He brought to the discussion that we were having a story happened to him before he meet with me, that he lived with a guy who was weird most of the time being with him in his room.
    • Each time he put doubt in himself, which made my friend worry about his money and stuff that he's leaving behind him each time whenever he go attend his classes.
    • Due to the charge been built up, it made my mate to quite the room with this bizarre person and look for another one in order to have a peaceful life.
    • To conclude, life is full of adventures, and without a shadow of a doubt the life of the university is the most interesting one.
    • A person would learn how to pick up his friends, and especially his partner that he's going to live with.
    • There are two major qualities an individual should look for while looking for a person to share a housing with, which they are similarity, and honesty.
  • I highly encourage students to pick up on these two main aspects before living with any stranger.

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