
Κείμενο από Ignacio777 - English


  • LOST INNOCENCE I After work I found the scene: the woman of my life lying on the floor and not breathing.
  • I was alone, with 40 years.
  • Biology does not allow me to have children and me was too raise one that was not of my blood.I feared that the child would wake up one day and took a knife to kill me.
  • Upon arriving home, a light passed through the bedroom window.
  • I walked to the corner kiosk in search of vodka, he needed calm.I chose a cheap, had less than twenty dollars in his pockets but it was enough to get drunk.
  • I mixed with orange juice and was acceptable.I drank several glasses but it was not enough, so I took some sleeping pills and fell round in ten minutes in bed.
  • II The next day I went to the office, I could not concentrate, which makes sense in the duel.I kept thinking, I was not well.In inquired search engine and I read the status of workers not allowed to work for 4 days in case of death of the spouse.Some may work in peace, and I found it impossible.Even worse was having to endure the condolences of my companions, one after another, and more desempeñándome in a public body, so I took me.
  • In those moments, it seemed to feel an impulse towards destructiveness, wondering if I could have prevented this death.I felt I had debts with her ...
  • I did not give children not made love as they should, did not give the pleasure she gave me life.
  • I justified my absence by saying that working too: in the morning in government offices and in the afternoon on a Yber c.At least, the last year I gave up the cyber to spend more time with her, but it was not enough.
  • III The third day, I woke up with distrust everything and still a bit paranoid I went to the bar.
  • I ordered a malbec, I finished quickly so I bought another.
  • In the distance, I saw a beautiful woman in her 30s came to me.It was my next-door neighbor, the brunette.
  • What w om God ...
  • He was skinny, tall, big brown eyes and always tanned.Bluntly and without invitation addressed me.
  • Upon hearing mine, he expressed solidarity.
  • A few minutes later, I felt bad and went.
  • IV At home, I cried kneeling before the framed picture of Marcela and prayed for his immortality.To distract myself, I turned on the computer and opened the Facebook.At least I could chat with some people and alleviate the pain.
  • My neighbor, Liliana Levinstein, made me a friend request.
  • Out smiling in the photo.I accepted.
  • E Staba connected and greeted me.He soon wonder why I had gone that way.
  • I tried to explain that I was wrong.
  • After a chat wall to wall while I proposed to come to my house to accompany me.
  • He was an ambiguous idea as needed, but did not know enough to be an important support.
  • Without thinking I said yes, anyway, was going to be awake and not left me sleeping pills ...
  • I heard a knock coming from the door.
  • BRI.It was her.
  • At that moment he gave me a panic attack and asked him to leave.
  • I drank a glass of water and sat down in the chair that faces the window.
  • He is watching cars.
  • He kept mulling over the head with existential questions.
  • I left the empty glass.
  • I went to the kitchen and took a wine that was hidden at the bottom of the refrigerator.I filled the cup.
  • I looked in the hall mirror and I saw myself reflected as a ghost without silhouette.It was late, had to rest, but sat down again.
  • They followed the incessant questions.
  • Suddenly, I heard the bell.
  • It was Liliana Levinste in, the neighbor.I looked down, cursing, but still opened the door.
  • I could not resist and kissed her.
  • She wanted him.Without hesitation he went down slowly, he spent his upper lip for mine, he bit my chin, my penis was hard as a rock.He looked at my chest and undid the buttons up and down, while his tongue down with lethargic pace.
  • His hand pressed my buttocks.I even got a finger in the anus.He stroked slowly, but with passion my twins, spent the night his hand under his pants.One more step and fall.
  • He stooped and his face was in my pelvis.
  • The pants fell on his knees.
  • My Jan p and exploding with the hard.He took the eggs and kissed.
  • He ran the tip of his tongue over my balls.
  • Effect of guilt, silent tears fell down my cheeks.
  • Vi aside his tongue out.
  • I placed my hand on his thigh and gave him a little spanking on the buttocks.He smiled and asked her to tuck my gun straight.
  • Recognize sweating, I wanted to go to drink water.
  • Did not let me. The same went.
  • I smiled without looking at her and headed for the kitchen.
  • I took the bottle of water.
  • My penis was still standing.
  • I was a playboy.
  • I put the bottle in the refrigerator and went with her.
  • I found her lying face up on the living room carpet.