
Text from Ignacio777 - English

  • A classic of world literature

  • —What do you think about Cervantes?
  • —Undoubtedlyhe was one of the best writers of history.
  • His book Don Quixote of la Mancha is a classic.
  • —We can take it to Miguel de Cervantes and his work “Don Quixote” as a model to follow?
  • —Was original enough to invent a completely different story then, based on books of chivalry.
  • Let us remember that Don Quixote read stories of cavalry.
  • It was against the masses of writers of the time, people who were going in one direction: Miguel was going against the current.
  • Was it an example to follow? Of course!
  • Originality and creativity at to write, without pressure, without influences, although everything is adversity then, what were the results obtained by Cervantes with his work?
  • A success in its time.
  • Today it is the most read book in the world, although the Bible is the most purchased.
  • It is translated into more than forty languages.
  • —Who depends on which a book whether or not classic, and not just a book, but a work of art or music?
  • —It depends on us.
  • If you don't read a book, how will it be known?
  • How will it be an example to us?
  • How you are going to be a classic for us?
  • The world of books -I refer in particular to the books - is interesting.
  • It is a world rare fictional, fanciful, happy, nice... in short, other things that if you enumerate them, I would take about two days.