
Text z NgocPhamThiBich - English

    • The Tired Days

    • My one day start with many things that I have to do.
    • Every day, I get up at 6 am to prepare breakfast for my family so I often don’t do exercise in the morning.
  • I go to work at 7.30 am.
    • I don’t sleep in the noon of several days because my son is ill.
    • He always cries, even vomits when he is taking medicine or eating.
  • In addition, there is nobody who can hold him, except me.
    • I have only ten minutes for lunch.
  • And then I have to go to work.
    • What is tired, especially in hot days.
    • After one busing day of work I come back home and have to do homework such as cooking, house cleaning… I have no time to watch TV or relax.
  • I usually go to bed very late, about 12 pm.
    • But sometime my son couches and cries at the midnight so I do not sleep well.
    • I hope my son recovers his heath soon.
    • And I will sleep in all one day.
  • That is my simple wish.
  • You will ask me: “where is my husband?”.
    • I tell you one thing that most of wife, not husband, has to do house work and caring child in my country.
  • What about your country?