Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ Ignacio777 - English

  • Micro story: "A normal family?"

  • In the dining room, the mantelpiece clock marked the six o'clock in the morning.
  • The House seemed deserted and a bed creaked among morning snoring were declining until, finally, the youngest son of the family opened his eyes.
  • In the kitchen, fresh milk and cereals advertised a new day.
  • The young Jack, embarrassed by her acne, covered her face with cream and other elements.
  • Nothing prevented the father appeared in shorts and no shirt.
  • He did so even though it was a rude and little romantic appearance.
  • Behind that behavior was an act of defiance toward itself: could not hide his despotism and misery against the neighbors.
  • That day was fabulous for it, since I could cancel the loan he had asked in his youth to pay other debts.
  • On the other hand, the mother arrived with a white shirt and pants, covered with a black cloth wire.
  • This time they heard knocks on the door and no one cut the phone.
  • They didn't know that President Kennedy had been assassinated.
  • The madness came over the streets.
  • The mother announced that it was the time of cleaning.
  • He retired the dishes dirty, full of stains that reflected the delight of children and the father.
  • Suddenly, a rat bit the TV cables, which caused the mismatch.
  • There was no time to call to the arranged everything in the neighborhood.
  • To forget the matter, they ignited the radio.
  • The radio announced a rainy day.
  • The father, the mother and the children were yellow raincoats.
  • They say that yellow is the color of happiness, but they had no idea, they settled it is because Yes.
  • They took to the streets.
  • They noted the cityscape: not raining.
  • There were no lightning or drops that fell from the sky.
  • It was a sunny and cloudless day.
  • "Do the weather forecasters will have failed, again?" they wondered.
  • However, were even more surprised when they saw that the houses and sidewalks were soaked, the asphalt was flooded, people ran with umbrella and at the home of beside his neighbor's voice was heard: "not going to go out and play!
  • Can't you see that it is still raining cats and dogs? "

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English