
Text from Ignacio777 - English


  • —Einstein was more important than Newton. —No.
  • Newton was more important.
  • In just a year, Newton assimilated on their own all the mathematical knowledge of his time: arithmetic, Euclidean geometry, algebra, analytic geometry, and trigonometry.
  • The mathematical tools of his time, although already well established and developed, were not at height to formulate its laws of movement and the phenomenon of gravity, so had to develop the infinitesimal calculus to reach them.
  • However, the work of Newton not boils down to a few simple equations, because it would revise their beginner and realize its enormous analytical capacity to understand how you might be able to ignore its calculation based on the mechanical method of analytic geometry, to explain it all in a truly complex and analytical language of pure geometry.
  • Thus resolved, even, an enormous amount of problems that at that time no one was able to do it, just to teach all those critics who were not able to assimilate their works and much less than criticize them.
  • This time there was no criticism.
  • Although he had an extraordinary mind to come up with very deep thought experiments, it was not a mathematician who has excelled in this science and its unique contribution to the mathematics is indexed notation or Convention of sum of Einstein, which establishes that the use of repeated above and below the literal tensor indices indicated sum and its purpose is to short.
  • Einstein little attending class, because it focused on the development of what would become his monumental work, carried out their tests with borrowed notes, getting regular ratings.
  • In this way was it overlooked issues that later would become crucial for the development of his work, which left him weak in math.
  • So, had to go desperately to his friend Marcel Grossmann, who study the theory of surfaces and curved spaces, developed by Georg Friedrich Riemann, but by a mistake of Einstein not found the equation that relates the mass and energy with the curved space-time.
  • Only until 1915, a few days after David Hilbert obtained the same equation, Einstein got it on their own.
  • But its contribution to special relativity was more physical, and that the equations that predict delay clocks and contractions of wavelengths with speed, were part of the work presented for the first time by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz.
  • The contribution of Einstein was to eliminate the idea of ether, to develop two simple assumptions about the light.
  • Also although in his paper of 1905, on the electrodynamics of bodies in movement, described in an elegant way the equations presented by Lorentz and Poincaré, was a work that already existed and that Einstein leaves completed with the help of Max Planck.
  • —And Einstein wrote to Newton: forgive me, Newton!
  • You have found the only possible path for your age and it was accessible to the man of grandiose thoughts that you were, but today, we all know that you for better communication between global ties, must replace your concepts with others further away from the sphere of direct experiment.


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    • In just a year, Newton assimilated on their own all the mathematical knowledge of his time: arithmetic, Euclidean geometry, algebra, analytic geometry, and trigonometry.
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    • The mathematical tools of his time, although already well established and developed, were not at height to formulate its laws of movement and the phenomenon of gravity, so had to develop the infinitesimal calculus to reach them.
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  • Lause 5
    • However, the work of Newton not boils down to a few simple equations, because it would revise their beginner and realize its enormous analytical capacity to understand how you might be able to ignore its calculation based on the mechanical method of analytic geometry, to explain it all in a truly complex and analytical language of pure geometry.
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  • Lause 6
    • Thus resolved, even, an enormous amount of problems that at that time no one was able to do it, just to teach all those critics who were not able to assimilate their works and much less than criticize them.
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    • Although he had an extraordinary mind to come up with very deep thought experiments, it was not a mathematician who has excelled in this science and its unique contribution to the mathematics is indexed notation or Convention of sum of Einstein, which establishes that the use of repeated above and below the literal tensor indices indicated sum and its purpose is to short.
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    • Einstein little attending class, because it focused on the development of what would become his monumental work, carried out their tests with borrowed notes, getting regular ratings.
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    • In this way was it overlooked issues that later would become crucial for the development of his work, which left him weak in math.
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    • So, had to go desperately to his friend Marcel Grossmann, who study the theory of surfaces and curved spaces, developed by Georg Friedrich Riemann, but by a mistake of Einstein not found the equation that relates the mass and energy with the curved space-time.
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    • But its contribution to special relativity was more physical, and that the equations that predict delay clocks and contractions of wavelengths with speed, were part of the work presented for the first time by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 13
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    • The contribution of Einstein was to eliminate the idea of ether, to develop two simple assumptions about the light.
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  • Lause 15
    • Also although in his paper of 1905, on the electrodynamics of bodies in movement, described in an elegant way the equations presented by Lorentz and Poincaré, was a work that already existed and that Einstein leaves completed with the help of Max Planck.
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    • You have found the only possible path for your age and it was accessible to the man of grandiose thoughts that you were, but today, we all know that you for better communication between global ties, must replace your concepts with others further away from the sphere of direct experiment.
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