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    • essay

    • The allocation of public funds is a contentious issue.
    • Actions and decisions of local officials always provoke hot debates from the public.
    • The proverb says that many men, many minds.
    • So, it is virtually impossible to please everybody.
    • That said financial questions call for careful investigations.
    • Among the suggestions put forward in the radio discussion sports clubs and sports centers call for heavy investment.
    • Nowadays it is believed sport is the best way to have strong health.
    • There is no doubt that modern people lead a sedentary life getting fatter and fatter.
  • It is hard to disagree with this.
  • However, private entrepreneurs promote sports business.
  • There are different reasonably-priced sports facilities today.
    • On the other hand, local businessmen do not provide public gardens with money.
  • Perhaps because it is not a profitable investment.
    • But planting of greenery is a serious problem in the age of technology and machines.
    • Moreover, walk and rest in the garden help to relax after a busy day and cheer up.
    • Nevertheless, it is a notorious fact that visiting green space improves emotional well-being.
    • Furthermore, people go in for such kinds of sports as cycling and running in the gardens.
  • In conclusion, I would say that local authorities should spend money on state facilities like public gardens, theatres and museums.
  • They are not offered by the private sector.
  • They do not attract businessmen and entrepreneurs’ attention.