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Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ Darkness6172 - English

  • Improving my English

  • I finished my proficiency level last year...
  • I am a kind of self-study person so I only went to class for 3 months before sitting the Exam.
  • I am quite demanding and I really wanted to get top marks but, in the end, I just got a "B" (Use of English:A, Writing:A, Reading:B, Listening,B, Conversation skills B).
  • I am at a dead end.
    • Even though I read books in English and I watch American, Irish, Australian, British movies I find that I am stuck.
    • Any suggestion about improving my gramar, expading y vocabulary..etc.?
  • I would also like to make friends, but real friends, not the kind of people I found on Interpals...
  • Feel free to contact me there but if you are not going to stick around do not waste my time please, I am tired of explaining my life over and over.
  • My name on Interpals is : DARKNESS6172

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English