
Text from agrippina - English

    • letter of recommedation

    • During 3 years of University course, Giuseppa Santini always demonstrated excellent self-discipline skills and maturity in dealing with training program.
    • She didn’t have the same scientific background of her classroom mates but during the first year she worked hard and following year she filled her gaps.
  • In all hospitals where she performed, the practical training was integrated in an appropriate way to work with the team demonstrating good interpersonal skills.
    • She demonstrated to be able to approach herself to new situation and I noted a marked ability to adapt in multicultural environment.
    • She left Italy because there weren’t any kind of jobs opportunities in Italy.
    • After has been in France for 5 months to obtain a recognition of her degree in total autonomy (with no structure or any referent of support), she found a job as radiographer in Paris.
    • I’m still in touch with her, no more as a teacher but as a colleague.
    • She’s really motivated person and I’m sure that she can give a positive contribution to this Program. Could it work?
  • Thanks so much!!