

Text from gleidy - English

    • ielts. please correction

    • People who thinks that make work children is to give them a valuable work experience, should distinguish between children and teenegers nearest to adult life.
    • If it concern teenegers, called children just because they are not adults, that appreciation could be accepted.
    • Considering that this experience is choosen volunteering and probably to pay not fundamental needs.
    • But, when the decision to work, instead of studying (or instead to study??) is taken for paying basic needs, then "the valuable work experience" is out of context, because this becomes a constriction.
    • I agree with people who say that make to work children is wrong.
    • To me (or for me??) this is a way of abuse, because children should be guaranteed to live a childhood without worries of adult life.
    • Children should live relaxed and go to school, and not sacrifice living like slaves just for eating.
    • Each goverment must respect the rights signed by their own country, and bring to children the possibility to study, to be dressed and fed.
    • These are some of essential needs, reasons for what children work in some places of the world.
    • They are slaves among the indifference of politicians and wealthy people.
    • The cases in which "children" can learning and take responsability from work, concern just some places where children do this previous agreement with their parents, and where society recognised their rights.
    • So, these activities are made just for some periods and is not a constriction.
    • Is known that to be contrary, we are talking about places where poverty leads people to accept the childhood labor.
    • In these poor countries children feel responsability for their younger brothers and sisters, like their were adults that must provide money to home.
    • To finish my thought, obviously, if a boy/girl has everything, the experience of working leads him/her to the real world.
    • It teaches him/her how his/her parents earn money.
    • And not only, but, teaches how to approach people outside of the own confort zone.
    • This last is precious because give you self confidence.


  • Title
  • Vakya 1
    • People who thinks that make work children is to give them a valuable work experience, should distinguish between children and teenegers nearest to adult life.
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    • People who thinks that make working children is towork is giveing them a valuable work experience, should distinguish between children and teeneagers who are nearest to adult life.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 1
  • Vakya 2
    • If it concern teenegers, called children just because they are not adults, that appreciation could be accepted.
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    • If it concerns teeneagers, who are only called children just because they are not yet adults, that appreciation could becould be appreciated and accepted.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 2
  • Vakya 3
    • Considering that this experience is choosen volunteering and probably to pay not fundamental needs.
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    • Considering that this experience is choosen volunteering and probably to pay notvoluntary and probably not for paying for fundamental needs.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 3
  • Vakya 4
    • But, when the decision to work, instead of studying (or instead to study??) is taken for paying basic needs, then "the valuable work experience" is out of context, because this becomes a constriction.
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    • But, when the decision to work, instead of studying (or instead to study??) is taken for payingis made in order to pay for basic needs, then "the valuable work experience" is out of contexirrelevant, because this becomes a constriction.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4
  • Vakya 5
  • Vakya 6
    • To me (or for me??) this is a way of abuse, because children should be guaranteed to live a childhood without worries of adult life.
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    • To me (or for me??), this is a way of abuse, because children should be guaranteed to live a childhood without the worries of adult life.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 6
  • Vakya 7
  • Vakya 8
    • Each goverment must respect the rights signed by their own country, and bring to children the possibility to study, to be dressed and fed.
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    • Each government must respect the rights signed by their own country, and bring tooffer children the possibility to study, to be dressed, and to be fed.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 8
  • Vakya 9
  • Vakya 10
  • Vakya 11
    • The cases in which "children" can learning and take responsability from work, concern just some places where children do this previous agreement with their parents, and where society recognised their rights.
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    • The cases in which "children" can learning and take responsaibility from work, concern justonly some places where children do this previous agreement withhave consent from their parents, and where society has recognised their rights.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 11
  • Vakya 12
  • Vakya 13
    • Is known that to be contrary, we are talking about places where poverty leads people to accept the childhood labor.
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    • Is known that to be contrary,On the other hand, it is clear that we are talking about places wherein which poverty leads people to accept the childhood labor.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 13
  • Vakya 14
    • In these poor countries children feel responsability for their younger brothers and sisters, like their were adults that must provide money to home.
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    • In these poor countries, children feel responsaibility for their younger brothers and sisters, likeas if theiry were adults that must provide money to homefor the household.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 14
  • Vakya 15
    • To finish my thought, obviously, if a boy/girl has everything, the experience of working leads him/her to the real world.
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    • To finish my thought, obviously, if a boy/girl has everything,piece, if a boy/girl grows up with everything, (one can find that) the experience of working leadinks him/her to the real world.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 15ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 15
  • Vakya 16
  • Vakya 17
  • Vakya 18