
Text de - English

  • traduction for a friend's story

  • « Your life is boring but I’ll find out who you are and I’ll make your life awesome" This is just a sentence.
  • A single sentence on a paper.
  • So why can’t I stop thinking about it ?
  • It’s just a joke, someone found my paper planes and is making fun of me but that’s all.
  • There is no creep looking for me.
  • There is no psychopath out there who read all my letters and is searching for me.
  • There is nothing…I need to calm down.
  • No one will kill me.
    • The guy is just like any other guy at school and just though it would be fun to scare someone by leaving a note.
  • I need to find out who Mr Stranger is.
    • I have the upper hand because I know Mr Stranger is from my school but I have to keep a low profil for now.
  • I’m just going to go to school like everything is normal.
  • I have all day to find a new way to send a paper plane at my tree without anyone noticing it. Just in case. « Mom ! Dad !
    • I’m leaving ! see you tonight !
  • » « Be careful on your way ! Love you.
  • » My school is the average school.
    • Teachers, for the most of them, are annoying and students are like every other students.
  • Actually I never talked to most of the students in my class.
    • Expect for Nina who is my best friend and some people which whom I talked sometimes but we aren’t really friends.
  • I know nothing about the others.
  • I’m not a social butterfly.
  • For the first time, my shyness is my greatest weakness.
  • How can I find if Mr Stranger is one of the students in my class if I don’t know them ? I need help…