Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Hajar96 - English

    • the beast

    • during my childhood ; I tried to be obedient , careful and sometimes patient ...
    • So I became the little big girl .
    • But when I started to grow up - and due to some Circumstances - my patience have done , and today I part from it .
    • Suddenly the beast who lived inside me , that I tried to kill it repeatedly is already alive .... and unfortunately blind ...
    • He did what he had to do and he left without apologazing and without saying goodbye , when and where will he come back ? honestly I don't know . what happened is happened , so the more important is what I learned from what happened : we are all humains and we are not perfect and we won't be perfect .. therefore , it is not necessary to try to be it because in the end you won't be what you try to be furthermore no one noticed what you were doing , even if you were doing something for his or her happiness even if you hindred yourself to do something that you like or something that makes you glad and also for his or her happiness ...
    • NO ONE OBSERVED WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO ... because in this world people can only see what the beast can do , and they will remember what he did ,but they couldn't observed before you became a beast .

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
  • câu 2
  • câu 3
    • But when I started to grow up - and due to some Circumstances - my patience have done , and today I part from it .
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • But when I started toas I groew up - and due to some Circumstances -, my circumstances caused me to lose my patience have done , and today I part from it .
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  • câu 4
    • Suddenly the beast who lived inside me , that I tried to kill it repeatedly is already alive .... and unfortunately blind ...
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • SAll of a suddenly the beast who lived inside me , thate one I tried to kill it repeatedly, is alreadynow alive .... and unfortunately it is blind ...
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  • câu 5
    • He did what he had to do and he left without apologazing and without saying goodbye , when and where will he come back ? honestly I don't know . what happened is happened , so the more important is what I learned from what happened : we are all humains and we are not perfect and we won't be perfect .. therefore , it is not necessary to try to be it because in the end you won't be what you try to be furthermore no one noticed what you were doing , even if you were doing something for his or her happiness even if you hindred yourself to do something that you like or something that makes you glad and also for his or her happiness ...
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • He did what he had to do and he left without apologaizing and without saying goodbye , w. When and where will he come back ? hHonestly speaking I don't know . wWhat happened ihas happened , so the more important thing is what I have learned from what happened : w. We are all humains andn, we are not perfect and we won't ever be perfect .. tTherefore , it is not necessary to try to be iperfect because in the end you won't be what you try to be f. Furthermore, no one noticed what you were doing , even if you were doing something for his or her happiness e. Even if you hindredmade yourself to do something that you like or something that makes you glad and also for his or her happiness ...
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  • câu 6
    • NO ONE OBSERVED WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO ... because in this world people can only see what the beast can do , and they will remember what he did ,but they couldn't observed before you became a beast .
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • NO ONE OBSERVED WHAT YOU TRIED TO DO ... because in this world, people can only see what the beast can do , and t. They will remember what he did , but they couldn't observed before how you became a beast . ¶
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