
Tekst fra - English

  • Can we trust the TV?

    • Today we are more and more channels on TV, different programs, different journalists, but still what is said is frequently the same.
  • The press and the journalists seem to choose their subjects for a reason.
  • So can we really trust the TV shows if they control what they show?
    • First, I would say that there is no need for people to know what happens everywhere, the life is too short to loose time in front a TV watching bad news, and too short to be sad for something we can not change.
    • To me it is vital that people understand that the real life happens in reality, not in a TV, and that every journalist can interpret an image the way he wants.
    • I assume that if something is really important, we will heard about it everywhere : schools, office, on the red lines;.. so the fact that somebody doesn't watch TV doesn't mean that he is ignorant, but simply that he has many others things to do to enjoy his life.
    • You would ask to me, why being so anti-TV?
    • Because when you turn on the TV, you see that every channels shows the same informations, although there are a lot of more informations to talk about but still, they choose the same of all the others; because they need to attract people to make profits, and there is a need to keep people entertained from the real issues.
    • If I should give one only advice to the world: If you wanna know what happens somewhere, then go by yourself.

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  • Sætning 4
    • First, I would say that there is no need for people to know what happens everywhere, the life is too short to loose time in front a TV watching bad news, and too short to be sad for something we can not change.
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    • First, I would say that there is no need for people to know what happens everywhere, the life is too short to loose time in front a TV watching bad news, and too short to be sad for something we can not change.
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  • Sætning 5
    • To me it is vital that people understand that the real life happens in reality, not in a TV, and that every journalist can interpret an image the way he wants.
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    • ToFor me it is vital that people understand that the real life happens in reality, not ion a TV, and that every journalist can interpret an image in the way he wants.
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  • Sætning 6
    • I assume that if something is really important, we will heard about it everywhere : schools, office, on the red lines;.. so the fact that somebody doesn't watch TV doesn't mean that he is ignorant, but simply that he has many others things to do to enjoy his life.
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    • I assume that if something is really important, we will heard about it everywhere : schools, offices, on the red lines;.. so the fact that somebody doesn't watch TV doesn't mean that he is ignorant, but simply that he has many others things to do to enjoy his life.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6
  • Sætning 7
  • Sætning 8
    • Because when you turn on the TV, you see that every channels shows the same informations, although there are a lot of more informations to talk about but still, they choose the same of all the others; because they need to attract people to make profits, and there is a need to keep people entertained from the real issues.
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    • BecauseAnswer is, when you turn on the TV, you see that every channels shows the same informations, although there are a lot of more informations to talkreport about but still, they choose the same oflike all the others; because they need to attract people to make profits, and there is a need to keep people entertained from the real issues.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 8Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 8
  • Sætning 9