
Text from Paulina_paulina - English

  • I would be glad if one of you help me with this abstract :)

  • The main purpose of the paper is research on reselected titles.
    • It deals with an average number of words in the selected titles that were given in tree languages.
  • Moreover it aims to give an account of the frequency of different types of the titles.
  • Every title plays a vital role not only for scientific papers but also for all releases, because it defines if the body will arouse somebody’s interest or not.
  • A key limitation of this research is that there is an indefinite number of titles in the world and the research examines only a part of them.
  • The research includes 30 different titles of the scientific papers.
  • They were taken from specialist literature for linguists and are in three languages namely English, German and Polish.
  • Furthermore, there are 10 titles for every language.
  • This method is mostly based on the tabulation and picking up two extreme examples of titles’ length.
    • The Table I contains title of the article, source, term, that describes a grammatical form of the title, and number of words in the title.
  • The juxtapositions of results are summarized in Table II and III.
    • The Table II contents numbers of words from the Table I and an average number of words in every language.
  • A following table shows the frequency.
  • There were distinguished five types of titles and namely full sentence, interrogative, V-ing, compound and nominalization.
  • The method is an effective way to upgrade current researches.
  • What’s more, there were chosen two titles from the whole group, which length was extreme.
    • The data obtained shows that English titles contain average slightly more than eight words, German titles consists of about ten words and average specificity in Polish titles is more than elf words in one title.
  • According to the data, in the reselected titles there is only one title that is a full sentence and this title is an English title.
  • Moreover the group of titles has neither interrogative nor V-ing titles.
  • The data estimates that there is one English, two Polish and four German titles that are compound.
    • Last but not least are nominalized titles, there are six German, eight Polish and English titles if this type.
  • Furthermore the longest of all the titles is a Polish one and has 21 words.
    • In contrast the shortest one is a German title with the number of words 3.
  • From the outcome of my analysis it is possible to conclude that the language in which titles have average the least words is English and the most words Polish.
    • Taking into consideration this fact, it should be noticed that according to the data one of the polish title is also the longest one.
    • On the other hand the shortest is not English but German title.
  • In conclusion, it is evident that this study has shown a tendency to nominalization of titles in all of three languages.
  • A next type, that becomes more and more popular, is compound title.
  • The results indicate that neither V-ing nor interrogative titles are commonly used.
    • The research has too limited amount of examples and more calculations will be needed to verify whether the results are consistent