
Text from bondz - English

  • Buying things online, or not?

  • Is it better to buy things online, or in person in a shop?
  • Nowadays technology is growing very fast.
    • We are connected to the whole world in seconds.
    • It only takes one single click with your mouse and you can order things thousands of miles away.
    • Are facing a big problem?
    • To find and discover anything you want online, you just have to enter a few keyword in Google and it will find dozens of different entries.
  • Those shops offer a great choice and if you’re lucky, a great discount.
    • It also is a great opportunity to buy things, you haven’t seen before.
  • There is a specific web shop for anything you are looking for.
    • Shopping things in person, you can really feel and enjoy the product before deciding, whether or not to buy it.
    • This also prevents you for buying things you don’t like.
  • The shop can’t trick you.
    • So over all, there are some benefits in buying things online, especially if you already know what you want.
  • Usually it is cheaper in the online store than in a shop in person.
  • But there is a higher chance of buying some fake products online.