
Text from helen_12 - English

  • Shops

  • I need to do to the Fistmonger's and to the Butcher's.
  • By the way, it is your turn to do shopping.
  • This Newsagent's is the smallest in our street but this is also one of the most expensive.
  • There is a new mall in out city.
  • On the ground floor there are Haberdashery, Jeweller's Ready-made clothes department, Toy shop and Gift shop.
  • On the first floor there are Stationer dept, Chemist's and Furniture shop.
    • Supermarkets are nowadays very popular.You needn't to go to the Butcher's, Baker's, Fishmonger's, Greengrocer's and Confectioner's.
  • I think it is really comfortable.
  • I often go to the Hairdresser's.
  • I like to be elegant und trendy.
  • In this summer I am going to tavel in Europe.
  • That's why I am going to the travel agency tomorrow to order a tour.
  • In the USA people, who are younger 20 years old, can't buy something in th Off-licence and Tobacconist's.
  • Yesterday my friend poured coffee on my coat by accident.
  • Now i need to bear it away to the Dry cleaner's.
  • I view really bad from far away.
  • I need to go to the Optician's and check my eyesight.