
Text de - English

    • There are feelings that there are no ways to show

    • Some days, my feeling is so so bad.
    • I don't know why i'm sad...
    • When I'm sad, I just want to go to a silent place, walk alone, breathe a breath of soft air.
    • It makes me feel be peaceful.
    • I like listen to the songs without lyrics specially a piano named " Kiss the rain" of Yiruma.
  • So soft, so peaceful.
    • Sit alone in the evening, close my eyes, listen the melody of kiss the rain, I seem get out of all my troubles.
    • Eveybody says i'm a talkative and strong girl.
    • But it's just outsie of me, i'm a person easily affected by emotion, an emotional person but noone can realise.
  • I'm a real Pisces.
    • Sometimes, I'm so lonely but i don't know share with who.
    • My best friend is Nhung but she is not a person who is patient enough to listen my stories.
    • She is a girl but so strong like a man.
    • I'm rarely share with her .
    • I try to pass my challenges by myself but I'm just a girl.
    • There are much challenges over my...( i do'nt know it in english) sometimes i wish i have a strong shoulder to cry, i wish there is a hand strong enough to take me up...........