

Text from intuition21 - English

    • text

    • Wellcome to all! I am 32 year. I'm married.
    • I lived and studied in Russia to 30 years.
    • I graduated from the Faculty of Economics in the Kazan State University.
    • Then I moved to Saint-Petersburg.
  • I lived there for 6 years.
    • Now I changed a country and I moved to Montenegro).
    • I live here 2 years.
    • I can help you with learning the Russian language in exchange for English.
    • Why do I learn english in Montenegro?
    • I will answer because it may help me in finding job.
  • I have been studying English for a long time.
  • I improved in reading and listening.
    • The best problem for me is speaking.
    • How do I learn english?
    • I use some methods: I read books in english (now I am reading the Bulgakov`s book), I analyse the grammar with the help of textbook, I read the news on the www.bbc.com and I watch movies, series (for example, «Friends».
    • I am learning english with method of Zamuatkin.
  • I agree with this author 100%.
    • There is the book in english version.
  • It is a reference to the book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-H6IcpZaiQnNkdUbHFOSkNjQjQ/edit?pli=1 I wish to speak in english!!
  • What can we discuss?
  • I think that we have many topics).
    • For example, the topic about sport.
  • I like running in the morning.
  • I like breathing techniques, for example, the author – Jill R.
  • Johnson «Oxicise».
    • There are many video clips with her but only in english language.
    • Sometimes I am listerning and try repeat.
  • We may discuss famous films.
    • I like films: «Inside I am dansing», «Zone down», «The Shawshank redemption», «Hotel Rwanda» etc. I like catoons too.