Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Wolfyanya - English

  • Introduction

    • Hi everyone, I’m Brenda Ricasse (it’s just a surname obviously :) ).
  • Nice to meet you :) .
    • I’m eighteen years old and I live with my sister and my two parents in a small house nearby a lot of woods and fields.
    • I live in Belgium, a small European country.
    • There, most of the people speaks French or Dutch.
    • I’m a naïve French speaker.
    • Some speaks English, but it’s not the majority.
  • I took a few English courses during my secondary classes, but the level wasn’t quite what I expected.
    • It’s why I’ve begun practicing outside school.
    • I listen at a lot of different English stuff like podcasts, YouTube videos made by Americans and Canadians, movies,… I used to read a lot of French books a few years ago, and I only read English ones now.
    • My listening and reading skills (can we use that world in the context ?) have really increased, but since I began, I’ve never really had the possibility to speak with native English speaker and I think that’s a major lack in my knowledge.
  • Thanks for checking the grammar faults of this short text.
    • And if you’re interested in having some discussions with me, I’ll be happy to help you in French :) Have a nice day =)

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English