
Rédigé par yananim - English

  • English

    • Every well education person inthe world speaks English,because it is the language of communications,business and science.
    • In my opinion, it is necessory to learn foring languages.
    • That is way pupels have got such subjest as foring language at school .There is not doubt that english the most desired and popular.
    • Besides, understanding and speaking a foring language become necessory while applying for a good and well paid job.
    • However , some people think hat a good phrase book will give most people all the English they need for travel or giving divections. moreover, they think that to know english is not so important.
    • I can`t agree with this opinion because many of the world`s top films, books and music are published and produced in english.Therefare by learning English you will have access to a great weathe of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
    • In conclusion , I can to say that English is absolutly necessory to know for every educated person,for every good specialist today.