
Tekst fra - English

  • English

    • Every well education person inthe world speaks English,because it is the language of communications,business and science.
    • In my opinion, it is necessory to learn foring languages.
    • That is way pupels have got such subjest as foring language at school .There is not doubt that english the most desired and popular.
    • Besides, understanding and speaking a foring language become necessory while applying for a good and well paid job.
    • However , some people think hat a good phrase book will give most people all the English they need for travel or giving divections. moreover, they think that to know english is not so important.
    • I can`t agree with this opinion because many of the world`s top films, books and music are published and produced in english.Therefare by learning English you will have access to a great weathe of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
    • In conclusion , I can to say that English is absolutly necessory to know for every educated person,for every good specialist today.

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English

  • Sætning 1
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  • Sætning 3
    • That is way pupels have got such subjest as foring language at school .There is not doubt that english the most desired and popular.
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    • That is way hy pupeils have got such subjest as foringare taught foreign languages at school .There is not doubt that eEnglish the most desired and popular language.
    • That is way hy pupeils have got such subjest as foringare taught foreign languages at school . There is not doubt that eEnglish is the most desired and popular language.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 3Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 3
  • Sætning 4
  • Sætning 5
    • However , some people think hat a good phrase book will give most people all the English they need for travel or giving divections. moreover, they think that to know english is not so important.
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    • However , some people think that a good phrase book will give most people all the English that they need to know for travelling or giving divrections. mMoreover, they think that to know eEnglish is not so important.
    • However , some people think that a good phrase book will givprovide most people all the English words, sentences and phrases they need for traveling or giving divrections. mMoreover, they think that to know english is not so importantEnglish comprehension is not so important as they could just rely through memorization.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 5Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 5
  • Sætning 6
    • I can`t agree with this opinion because many of the world`s top films, books and music are published and produced in english.Therefare by learning English you will have access to a great weathe of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
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    • I can`'t agree with this opinion because many of the world`'s top films, books and music are published and produced in eEnglish.Therefaore, by learning English you will have access to a greater wealthe of entertainment and will be able to have a greabetter cultural understanding.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 6
  • Sætning 7
    • In conclusion , I can to say that English is absolutly necessory to know for every educated person,for every good specialist today.
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    • In conclusion , I can to say that knowing English is absolutely necessoary to know for every educated person, especially for every good specialist today.
    • InTo conclusion de, I can to say that English is absolutely necessoary to know for every educated person,for every good specialist today especially for a language enthusiast.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7