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  • Lee Chee : .
    • Wow I’m impressed about your knowledge!
  • I know two things about the European culture.
    • Europeans shake hands to greet someone and rolling up their sleeves is a sign of getting down to work. Anna : .
  • Does the afternoon program suit you?
    • In fact, I'm going to show you around the factory then we are going to make a meeting with the personal.
    • We are going to have a brainstorming about the imperial lemon and adapt it to our needs Lee Chee : . Perfect!
  • I've heard that TTP is the most reliable company on the market.
    • I have been looking forward meeting all the team Anna : .
  • Let me introduce you to Tom!
  • This is Tom Darcy. Lee Chee : .
  • Nice to meet you Tom!
  • How long have you been working here?
  • And how did you get into it?
  • Tom: Well I have been working at TTP for 5 years.
  • To be honest Mr Paul, the director is a friend of my father.
  • That's why he accepted me.
  • Lee Chee: You are a lucky man but what line of work are you in?
  • I mean what exactly do you do?
    • Tom: I'm a sales executives and I have to promote our company and make new customers.
    • Mr Lee Chee, I'm afraid but I really have to go now.
    • We will see us later. Anna : .
  • Mr Lee Chee, shall we get down to business? Lee Chee : .
    • Certainly but I want to make 4 demands: Firstly I would like you to have 105000 Red Imperial Lemons, 250000 Yellow and 300000 green.
  • Secondly, could you make a discount of 15%.
  • Thirdly, I invite you to our company in order to present the imperial lemon.
    • And above all I would like to have lunch on Monday with you. Anna : .
    • I'm really sorry Mr Lee but could just make a discount of 10% and on Monday I won't be free but on Tuesday it will suit me.
    • We can change the color, it's not a problem and I have been looking forward to coming in your company, it will be a pleasure! Lee Chee : .
  • Thank you Anna I just want to make sure we have got the order right. Anna : .
  • 105000 Red Imperial Lemons, 250000 Yellow and 300000 green Lee Chee : .
  • Yes it's right,I look forward to working with you Ms Anna Anna : .
  • Oh thank you, so do I!