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  • BBc

  • Annna : Hello MR LEE CHEE, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you and welcome to Liège !
  • Did you have a good travel?
  • Lee Chee : Hello, the all pleasure is mine and thank you for welcoming me.
  • Yes, i have had a good travel.
  • I would like to apologise about the deferment of my trip and also about forgetting to inform you.
  • Anna : .Don’t worry it doesn’t really matter but what’s happened ?
  • Lee Chee : .Oh, I have had many troubles I’m going to explain it to you.
  • Last week I was expecting a very important contract and I received it by email, every think was all right.10 minutes Later the computer crashed!
  • After several attempts I have managed to set up the computer but the email has disappeared!
  • I asked to send the mail again but I had to wait 4 hours because of the time difference.
  • The first problem was resolved after four hours but the second problem happened when I tried to print out the documents… Unfortunately the printer also crashed!
  • I was worried to fail in entering into the contract and I also was so upset that I’ve forgotten to inform you about the deferment Anna : .
  • Oh golly gosh, I’m afraid to hear that but I could give you a hand by printing the contracts.
  • It will be a pleasure Lee Chee : .
  • It’s very kind of you but every think is going wrong.
  • Firstly the assistant is ill.
  • Secondly the sales executive has made a big mistake and above all our biggest customer is very upset.
  • Anna : .What a pity but don’t worry Mr Lee Chee we could sort it out, our assistant, Denise will able to help you by correcting the contract and sending it to your customer.
  • Lee Chee : .Thank you very much Anna it’s very kind of you.
  • I would be most grateful if you could print the contracts out and also give it to Denise to correct it then I will send the contract as soon as possible to our customer.
  • Anna : .The problems are sorted out now.
  • Every think will be fine.
  • And now how about having a drink oh, I have forgotten to ask you if you have had lunch and if you need to freshen up?
  • Lee Chee : .I would be most grateful to you if you give me a fresh drink because I’m really thirsty and I didn’t have lunch in the train.
  • The trip was very long Anna : .Certainly and make yourself at home!
  • You can also use the telephone and the computer freely in the office.
  • The assistant will be at your service if you need something. Lee Chee : .
  • Thank you very much and I have to make a call to one of our most important customers from one of the fastest growing company in London.
  • I have to send a temporary contract too.
  • Oh, I have brought a gift for you from Japan I hope you will like it.
  • Anna : .Oh it’s very nice of you, would you like the assistant to help you with your luggage ?
  • Lee Chee : .oh yes thank you.
  • Have you ever been to Japan? Anna : .
  • No, I have never been to Japan however I’ve read a lot about the cultural differences.
  • A good example that comes to mind is the eye contact; in fact, Japanese lower their eyes when they speak to a superior: it is a gesture of respect.
  • Besides, when a business a card is handed to a superior, Japanese have to give and receive a business card with both hands.
  • Finally I have also learned that Japanese bow to each other for greeting.