
Text from yananim - English

  • Professions

    • So,there are a lot of different professions.
    • As for me ,I prefer such professions as freelanser,manager or psychologist.
    • In my opinion to be a freelancer best of all,because you don`t need to get up very early and go to work 5 days a week.
    • Freelancers have a nice oportunity whan they want.
    • Also they have a lot of free time and they work at home, they need not go somethere.
    • What about such professions as a doctor ,a vet, a pilot, a loyer, a gardener that`s all not for me.
  • With regard to medical professions such as a doctor, a vet or a nurse are not for me.
    • Because l can`t stend the sight of bloot.
    • What about job in an office.
  • I think that it is not for me.
    • Because this job very boring for me and l can`t get up early and work 5 days a week.
    • So,what about being the boss of a big company.
    • That`s intresting.
    • But, I don`t think I`ll want to have a lot of responsibility.