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  • Inventions

    • As introduction I have to say that there are a lot of inventions that makes our life easier, and television is one of them, On the other hand, I don´t think that television is the most important invention in our century.
    • From my point of view there isn´t any doubt that internet plays a more relevant role in our everyday lifes.
    • It´s true that television brought films and news into people´s homes, but since internet had appeard, almost everybody downloads films, TV series and ebooks.
    • We use it to get in touch with family and friends who lives far from our city or our country and also to get information for our jobs.
    • I´m sure that thirty years ago it was imposible to imagine that we will be able to call abroad withouth a huge charge in our phone tax.
    • And no word to speak and watch each other by a web cam.
    • What is more, modern life makes that lots of busy people don´t have enough time to enjoy watching their favourites soup operas or TV game shows, therefore they couldn´t watch that programs on the TV, but now they could enjoy them thank to Internet.
    • In conclusion I want to propose Internet for the best invention in our century because the main part of the people couldn´t live withouth that amazing part of technology.