
Text z Rita165 - English

  • Should animals be used for our entertainment?

    • Circuses are very popular form of entertainment both among children and adults.
    • Performances with animals are the most fabulous and exciting.
  • But some people are against using animals for entertaining people.
    • I think that it is rather interesting and funny to watch how tigers, bears, elephants perform different tricks in the circus arena.
  • But we do not always think about how animals are treated in circuses.
    • First of all to my mind, it is unacceptable to keep animals in small cages; they must live in a natural habitat, because every creature wants to be free.
  • Secondly, trainers very often use punishments to show animals their superiority over them.
  • This is not right.
    • People must remember that animals are also can feel pain and loneliness.
  • It is very cruel to beat and mortify them.
    • At the same time, there is an opinion that zoos and circuses can save animals from the outlaws hunters and can give home to the abandoned animals.
    • In circuses and zoos animals can get a vet care in case of illness, they have enough food to live on.
    • That may be true but wild animals can lose their instincts such as getting food, for example.
    • Sometimes in circuses and zoos cubs are grown up separate from their mothers.
    • That makes females of tigers, lions and bears aggressive.
  • To sum up, wild animals must live in their natural habitat.
  • There are many conservation areas that can save animals from hunters.
  • Circuses cannot give them such conditions that nature provides.