
Teks daripada Munya - English

    • Please, help me.

  • Each person in the life regardless of a sex and age is familiar with such phenomenon as failure.
    • Still in the ancient time the person thought of why she comprehended him.
    • In my opinion, this expression can't one-sidedly be interpreted.
    • Firstly, as practice shows, there are people who passionately wished one thing and received absolutely another.
    • For example, the famous Russian journalist Vladimir Posner since the childhood furiously dreamed to become the great scientist.
    • Secondly, it is thought to me on one desire you can't go far and, it follows that, it is necessary to work to reduce risk of failure.
    • Thirdly, in life there are contingencies, which influence our desires and, therefore define also further I will meet either with good luck or with failure.
    • Generally, for the reason, that any person is familiar with failure he understands it in own way or doesn't think about it.
    • Someone considers that failure - result of its inactivity, someone - whatever happens, happens for the better, and the third doesn't find an explanation for failure in the life.
    • Anyway, it seems to me, there is no accurate formula of good luck so there can't be a certain rule of failure.
  • Therefore, this statement has the right for existence as one of many explanations of failure by people.