
Κείμενο από Tiferet - English

  • Lazaro

  • Lazaro, remain in your grave, please do not get up, What do you gain with the resurrection?
  • that would be a feat, but then?
  • .. the same old routine resurrecting would be a bad idea friend, a terrible one.
  • reconsider it, reconsider it! do not you remember how works the world of the living?
  • you blew up at the first problem , insulting everybody around you, everything bothered you, you could not even stand your own shadow.
  • and nothing remained from your soul ( and I am quoting you now) You have a bad memory friend.
  • Why do you want come back to live? to repeat the same old play again?
  • do not deceive yourself, and please remember that the things look better from afar.
  • that is why I advise you do not resuscitate because returning would be foolish, believe me.
  • You are happy old friend, you are happy in your grave, there you do not need anything.
  • are you listening to me?
  • Please remain underground friend in a perpetual dream, free of the uncertainties of life, lord and master of your own coffin.
  • please not resurrect under no circumstances , you do not have any reason to be eager because you have the whole death ahead of you.