
Tekst nga Louiedalip - English

    • Write an apology letter

  • Dear Mr. Spencer, First of all, I was really touched when I received your invitation letter at this party in southern England.
  • Furthermore, I would like to thank you for your friendly thought.
  • It would have pleased me to come and see each other again.
    • Unluckily, I couldn’t attend your party.
  • I am deeply sorry.
  • Since my wife died last spring, I resigned my position as a Doctor in Literature at Edinburgh University and I moved in Skye, which is an outstanding place.
  • I live in a wooden house up to the hill, in a magnificent setting.
  • Still, I dwell alone and I am immersed in my books all the time.
  • Moreover, Krysten, my dear daughter, volunteers in India for two years.
  • She does work for charity per se, but she also helps in the building of an orphanage.
    • Not seeing her for a very long time makes me despondent, thereby she booked me flights and I leave Scotland at the beginning of November until January.
  • I apologise for being unable but prior to disappointing you I may spend time in Sussex for Easters.
    • Therefore, we shall meet us during my stay.
  • Nonetheless, I hope you consider my non-attendance.
  • Yours sincerely, Zachary Donoghue