
Tekst nga Parisienne97 - English

    • Is Harry Potter a hero?

  • At first, Harry Potter can be considere as a hero because he distinguishes himself from the others because he defeated Lord Voldemort.
  • He is the only wizard who did it.
  • Harry is the one who embodies our desire to escape our dull life to reach the light.
  • Harry's birth was announced by a prophecy which said that he is the only one who can save the world.
  • In each book, we can feel that his life is threatened.
    • All his life is dedicate to accomplish his destiny.
  • Harry Potter is a willing hero but also an anti-hero.
  • In fact in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, he accepts his destiny which is to kill or to be killed.
  • So Harry sacrifices himself to save the others and to lead them in a safe world.
  • The fact that Voldemort attacks Harry's friends shows that Harry is guilty of the others' pain.
  • In addition, the reader can easily identify with Harry.
    • He is like all the kids even if he's a wizard.
  • He is not more handsome than an other, he has a scar on his forehead.
  • He is gifted in magic but his friend Hermione is better.
  • Everybody can identify with him.
  • From the first to the last book, Harry leaves to kill Voldemort and save the world.
  • A real community was born around him.
  • This community is called the Potterheads.
  • A lot of children have read his adventures.
  • This saga is the first which has given the joy of reading to millions of children.
  • We fell so close to Harry because even if he's a wizard, we share the same occupations.
  • I hope to have shown you that Harry Potter is a hero.
  • He represents the values of bravery, strengh, generosity, determination and sacrifice.
  • He is a role model for a generation and the magic around him will continue for a long time.