
Тэкст ад Anastasia_lastik - English

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    • 1.The passenger’s concern – it is a natural reaction to many difficulties 2.
    • The delay in takeoff of the aircraft was caused by the crack in the glass.
    • 3.To be cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac for four hours is extremely bad for passenger’s health. 4.
    • The long-suffering customers were feeling them disorientation after tan incident during the flight.
  • 5.Несвежий воздух во время полёта в самолете может быть вреден для вашего здоровья: The poor air quality during the flight on the aircraft may be harmful to your health.
    • 6. the passengers often express dissatisfaction of the poor service and an interminable delay in takeoff.
  • 9.Фасованная пища, переработанная с консервантами, усиливает разочарование пассажиров: processed and packed food are increase passengers frustration.
  • 11.running devices at maximum capacity cabin crew burn up valuable aviation fuel.
    • 12. drunk attracted the crew and tried to open a door.
  • 14.number of the sold tickets exceeds availability in the aircraft. 18.
  • It isn’t clear, why they don’t react to the passenger's dissatisfaction.
  • 19. the incident undoubtedly led to the aggravation oh the situation in the last election. 20.
  • Many vital questions are available on the new internet sites.