
Teks daripada zhanshijuan - English

  • Be Influenced by Someone

    • There are variety of thoughts.
    • We are subtle influenced by them.
    • I think family influence is very important.
  • For example, your religion is influenced by your parents and they were influenced by their parents.
    • Take me for an example, I think I was influenced by my grandfather when I was a child.
    • I saw him reading, so I would open a book he read, although I don't know the words.
    • He was good at the Chinese calligraphy, he taught me too.
    • I broke many his favorite brushes.
    • Also religion, he believed in Buddhism very much.
    • Anytime there are activities in the temple, he would went to help as an volunteer.
    • There were few monks in our little temple, so there are many volunteers in my grandfather's age went to help.
    • I and our family was influenced by him to believe in Buddhism, we took part in the temple activities.
    • But after his death, we only went the temple on and off.
    • My mother told me that she and my grandmother went to temple to redeem a wish recently.