
Text from tomzhang - English

  • Multi-National Companies

    • In this century, multi-national companies become more and more popular, and it always accompany increasing the range of globalization produce.
    • Although some people wonder that it will cause the society problems.
    • But in my opinion, it will bring us a really opportunity to improve our life quality and also help people living better.
    • Firstly, huge company can improve the country’s economics, especially in some poor country.
    • Because they could provide a lot of the chances for local people who haven’t job.
    • In generally, they will install factory and technical center when they come to these countries.
  • Hence the local industries and infrastructures will be developed by these companies.
    • Meaning while the income of the tax will extremely increase.
  • Government will be happy to see it.
    • Because they will have more budget to renew the transportations, the hospitals and the education systems etc. Secondly the globalization produce will lower the price of the products which we want to buy but we can't afford it before.
    • Because of the unbalance the level of the development, some country have much cheaper labor work, but they haven’t abilities to produce the products.
  • On the contrast some counties have the technologies, but their price of the labor is too high.
    • Hence it make globalization produce more and more commonly world-wide.
    • The directly result of it is that people can use less money to buy the product which they can't afford it before and the quality is even better than before.
    • Above of all, the benefiters of the multi-national companies and globalization produce are obvious and definite.
    • What we need to do is accepting them and cooperating them in all aspects.