
Text from Ilya_dy90 - English

  • About myself or why I love the English

  • My name is Ilya.
  • I am from Yekaterinburg, Russia. l am 24. l am a surgeon.
  • I learn an english language and it has few reasons.
    • At first, (it is the most main cause) I like to know a something new about this language and also match getting knowledges with features of my native language.
    • In my opinion an english language has a briliant grammar.
    • At second, I want to know a better my favourite english writer, especially about him and his writer's diary.
  • This writer is known as J.R.R. Tolkien.
    • Anyway his books tought me to love this language.
    • At third, I like to travel and reseach tempers and habits of peoples of the Europe.
    • I like a world history as science because I often read about kings and queens of England, France.
    • Also I suppose that history of catholic church is very interesting historical things.
    • I had already visited such country as Greece, Italy, France, Niderlannds and Germany.
    • It was delicious.
    • I dream about trip to United of Kingdom and Danmark.
  • And finally, English is a feature of professional development for me.
    • I believe that this language helps me to meet new friends.