

Text from Nana_trandiu - English

  • Gender IQ

  • IQ is a measure which indicates the human’s intelligence.
  • It is generally believed that the higher IQs people have, the more success they achieve.
  • There are many factors affecting intellectual abilities.
  • Some of them are heredity and environment.
  • First, hereditary factor plays an important role in the human’s intelligence.
  • Most researchers believe that heredity’s influence on intelligence is between 60 percent and 80 percent.
  • Through hereditary process, mental and physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children.
  • Francis Galton (1885) – an English psychologist demonstrated convincingly that intelligence is mostly inherited.
  • His researches pointed out that children whose parents have high IQs are more intelligent than ones whose parents have lower IQs.
  • Besides, if parents have special abilities, their children will also have them.
  • Moreover, according to Adoption studies, the adopted children somewhat are similar with their adoptive parents in intelligence.
  • Apart from looking at the parents IQs, twin’s intelligence also contributes to the genetic debate.
  • Studies about intelligence of Arthur Jensen - a professor of educational psychology at the University of California showed that the IQ levels of identical twins are 32% more similar than the IQ levels of fraternal twins.
  • He also found that the IQ levels of identical twins reared together are just 11% more similar than the IQ levels of identical twins reared apart.
  • Second, environmental effects leave a consequence in human IQ.
  • They contain many factors such as family, community and education.
  • The environment provides human with knowledge and experience for intellectual development.
  • People live and grow in their own environment that obviously creates distinctions in their abilities.
    • For example, Lewis Terman (1877-1956) – an famous American psychologist, known as president of the American Psychological Association figured out that children who live in a happy family and be well-educated tend to have higher IQs than homeless children because the environment affects their emotions, motivations and beliefs, which are closely related to intellectual competence.
  • In conclusion, it is evident that human IQs depend on variety of factors.
  • Parents should have more positive effects to improve their children’s intelligence. Nana