Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ Cheremil - English

    • About me

  • Hi everyone!
  • My name is Danila, I'm 17 and my hobby is music.
  • I have been learning to play the bass guitar since I found it in my wardrobe.
  • :D It was three or four years ago, can't say precisely.
    • Also I play the piano, I've been learning it for eleven years.
    • I'm native speaker of Russian and I will be glad to talk to everyone who wants to learn this language and teach me to speak English instead.
    • Write (and call!) me in my skype -- cheremil

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English