
текст з - English

    • Motivation lettet

  • Name: Rawan ....
  • D.O.B: 04-08-1995 E-mail: .... Phone:.....
    • Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is Rawan ....., 19 years old, I was born in 04-08-1995 in Syria, where I studied all stages of school education there except third grade secondary, which I completed it in Saudi Arabia as a result of war in Syria,and I succeeded by 100%.
    • I would like to complete my university studies in Germany to obtain a bachelor's degree in Chemistry (where I got an invitation for the entrance exam in the Py of Karlsruhe Institute,which will be on 02-09-2014 ), as Germany is one of the most advanced countries in the World in the field of education,where occupies third place globally in terms of the number of Nobel prizes awarded more than 100,almost 30 of them are in Chemistry,and occupies the first place in Europa in terms of the number of patents.
    • Germany supports science and cooperate with the students and give them several facilities, in addition to appropriate university fees,so the students have been able to continue their studies and research without having to worry about tuition fees.
    • Merit is the most important criteria for admission away from race,gender,religion and social class.
    • Also,Germany universities allow me to Continue my education at the standard and the educational approach which I aspire to it, That can help me to be able to contribute to the progress of my country again and offer something important to this World.
    • Featuring Germany as a country of multicultural,which help me to expand my horizons of scientific and intellectual, in addition to the friendly and cooperative people.
    • From the smallest thing to the most important issues in our world, Chemistry exist, even in the air we breath, beacuse of this and because I am keen at obtaining more knowledge and contributing to new discoveries and am interested in particular in the ability of Chemistry to transform the basic elements in nature to important industries, can do not without them because they make life easier and better, I choose Chemistry an addition, there are many career choices open to me.
    • After completing my study, I plan to return to the Homeland Syria because it really needs us.
    • Thank you very much in advance for your help and I would be very pleased if you support me in my decision to study in German.
  • Yours faithfully, Rowan ....
  • If there are any corrections or suggestions for the formulation of better, please help

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