
Tekst van Fab1 - English

    • Poverty is the mother of crime

  • It is often claimed that the crime rate among poor people is rising.
  • But is this poverty really the mother of crime as Marcus Aurelius stated?
  • First and foremost it is quite apparent, that many poor people become criminal because they have nothing to lose.
  • So they don’t think about the consequences of their offences.
  • There are many poor people all over the world who have nothing to eat.
  • The only way to get some food is shoplifting.
  • Especially in countries like Syria or in Africa are many young orphans a lot of them haven’t got a good education and there isn’t much work.
  • In addition, the crime rate in poor countries is normally higher than in affluent societies.
  • The police system of many developing countries is not very advanced.
  • Criminals don’t have to fear about getting arrested, because there are short-handed policemen.
  • A contrast between Germany and Columbia shows that in Columbia is the crime rate much higher than in Germany.
  • In Germany work more policemen than in Columbia, despite Columbia is bigger.
  • On the other hand, however, it is worth pointing out that there are also negative sides of the coin.
  • The most people of the world are poor and they don’t commit crimes.
  • A survey of Harvard University (fictitious study) shows that nearly 45 percent of the world population lives under the standard of living.
  • Are all of them criminals?
  • No, they are not!
  • When taking all arguments into consideration, I can draw the conclusion that poverty is not the reason for becoming criminal.
  • You can’t make a global statement that everybody who is poor is automatically a criminal.
    • It always depends on the case.