whiterose1からのテキスト - English

  • Memories

    • when I go back with my memories to the past, when i was a kid, i felt that there were so many of things, i had to explore it.
    • and everything it was bound to be a big adventure, and exciting, but i felt like a tiny drop of water in a big ocean. i could hardly wait to see my new kitten, i asked nervously " where is she?" i saw my parents that they pointed to a little box it was laying on the floor.
    • slowly i walked to it, suddenly afraid to look into the box.
    • my parents felt that i was afraid.
    • and they started to say a nice words to encourage me, their words like a magic spell on me, and i opened the box and looked at it, there was something very tiny, but it was so beautiful and so soft, it was white and her eyes was blue.
    • when i hold her she was licking herself. and i started to laugh without any reason.
    • that memories are drawing a big smile on our faces, keep it always positive.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English