
نص من - English

    • My learning of Spanish - part 3

    • That situation in which I was speaking with Spanish girls in Spanish happened last year.
    • Until the end of the last year from this situation I was learning Spanish only passively by listening to the radio called "Radio Nacional".
    • I was listening it mainly during a long winter evenings.
    • Sometimes I was so much amazed how much I understand.
    • For example I understood math example that gave the redactor from radio to his guests in the radioshow.
    • These guests were an old math professor and a few children.
    • One child answered this math example and did not agree with the answer of this professor.
    • Redactor told that professor answered example correctly.
    • Professor told to the child that it would think a bit about its answer next time.
    • Child took offence at professor and left the studio of the radio.
    • Intensively I started learning Spanish this February after I had passed exams at the university.I was listening the radio and translating articles from the book I mentioned in part2 almost every afternoon.
    • Sometimes happened to me that I was even thinking in Spanish.
    • It was probably caused by the fact that some days I was learning Spanish almost six hours per day.
    • I understood a lot of Spanish but my grammar was not so good as I wanted.
    • My vocabulary was getting larger day by day until I had to start writing my master thesis.
    • At the time I was writing my master thesis I was not so concentrated on Spanish.
    • I have not been learning Spanish so much since then.
    • I have started to learn Spanish during last week because I discovered that I do not use my morning and evening hours actively and I would use them in learning Spanish.

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