
Text from aabdan - English

    • About Using Computer by Children

    • Using computer have several positive and negative effects, it depends on how we are using it.
    • First of all, let us define what the computer is?
    • It is electric device doing a lot of calculation and functions to be used in several fields like sciences.
    • Manufacturing and technology.
    • Moreover, now a days it has different shapes like tablets and smart phones in somehow.
    • Children common use of the computer is learning, they are using it to read or see a demonstration about their lessons in interactive way.
    • As an example, my son learns about volcano in small video, and you can imagine that how many papers we have to write and draw, if we are using traditional books.
    • Other usage is entertainment, children also are playing games on their computers.
    • As I see children of my brother in low always watching movies on their computers.
    • Depends on the previous, we recognize that, there is a positive and negative effects for using computer children.
    • I think, it is better this using to be monitored by parents or teachers, so we get the most useful using.
    • Parents can put rules for using computer like timing, so they can offer specific time for using computer for entertainment.
    • In conclusion, in my point of view I am totally agree using computer has many positive effects rather than negative on my children, so I encourage them to use it and always advise them to use it in correct way.