
Tekst nga Kontrarian - English

  • My learning of Spanish - part 1

    • I started learning Spanish in the summer four years ago because I enrolled myself for course of Spanish in my university.
  • I learned ten or eleven units from a coursebook during that summer.
    • That book had about fourty years and was written by socialists, so in it were words like comrade, fight for peace etc. I learned something from that and it helped me to passed one semester from Spanish.
    • Spanish lessons in the university were so boring that I was there only three times from twelve lessons.
  • It was mainly because of the teacher and methods she used.
    • She was learning spanish against all the rules I knew about learning foreign languages.
  • For example twelve lessons were divided into only four weeks instead of twelve weeks.
    • It was really hard having three Spanish lesson per day.
    • I passed that semester with E.
    • Next semester I changed the teacher for Spanish native teacher.
    • She was really good teacher but I was bad student so I did not passed that semester.
    • I gave up Spanish for about two years and forget almost all Spanish.
    • After I graduated in bachelor studies I was thinking a bit what I would do during summer.
    • I saw that old socialist coursebook and decided that that summer I am going to learn Spanish.
  • I was very ambitious about it.
    • Like a total amateur I also picked up Russian at the same time.
    • After six weeks of learning Spanish and Russian at the same time I gave up Russian because I found out that learning two new languages would not work.
    • So I stayed only with Spanish.
    • During school I was learning Spanish only at home for about two or three hours a week.
    • I was not studying actively.
    • Some weeks I was just listening to a radio.