
Tekst nga nadejdavlad1 - English

  • Letter to a friend

    • I am happy that you have a good time with your sons My husband gain made me furious yesterday.
    • He bought him a bottle of one which costs 30 dol.
  • He is spendthrift and selfish.
    • I think you husband had a climax.
    • Recently I have had a tremor and some people who was near even said they can her my heart beating.
  • I have just returned from the clinic.
    • As I sustain frequent migraine and and suffer from hand tremor I made an appointment with a doctor.
    • Usually I do not like visit my doctor as she once blame me of hypochondria.
  • So when I made an appointment I was sure she would say I am fine but my doctor was shocked when when she took my blood pressure and pulse.
    • She said I have a very high pressure and my hearth is beating too fast/ She give me many referrals to many tests.
    • I also visited ear-nose throat specialist and again he urged me to have my nose operated but I refused.
    • I have never had any troubles with my health especially blood pressure and heart.
    • She prescribed me medicine for lowering my blood pressure and medicine for heart.
    • I have just counted me referral notes to the test and there are 12 of them That's all for now Please take good care