Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ nadejdavlad1 - English

  • Letter to a friend

    • It is the second time I am writing to you.
    • I am so silly I have deleted the letter.
  • I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy.
  • How are you feeling now?
  • Have you paid a visit to your doctor?
    • I am a bit worried that in your last email you were complaining about your heath.
    • I came home late today as I wast stuck in a heavy traffic.
  • The bus smelt so disgusting of petrol that I have a bad headache.
    • I think again I wont do anything for my English and I have no energy to read "Harry Potter".
    • Plus I am a bid disappointed as my husband overspent money.
  • I must lay the table for supper.
  • I made buckwheat and baked a duck in the oven.
    • I hope it would be delicious.
    • By the way it is the first time I cook duck.
  • It cost an arm and a leg but I was curious about its taste and decided to gratify my indulgence.
  • Please take good care of yourself.
    • I am eagerly waiting for good news from you

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English