
Text de - English

  • Letter to a friend

  • How are things going?
  • What is the weather like?
  • Here it has got a bit warmer .
    • I have nothing interesting to write about me as m life is mundane.
    • Yesterday I went to the dentist as I had two cavities in my teeth.
  • It cost me an arm and a leg- about 200$.
  • Dental treatment is so expensive here.
    • Last year I had to make feeling to five teeth so these year are less work to do for my dentist.
  • Next week I am going to clean up teeth from tooth stone.
  • I think my teeth suffer from cavity because I eat lots of sweet stuff.
    • I am trying to reduce its consumption but I am a sweet tooth and I have a weal power to fight with my sweet indulgence.
  • I clean my teeth twice with e - brush and with a jet of water.
    • I try to rinse them after every meal but yest every eayer my teeth suffer from cavity.
  • On Wednesday I am having an appointment with my therapist.
  • I hope she will give me a referral to nerve specialist ( I have had a hand tremor recently and would like to find out the reason).
    • Take care of yourselves