
Text z nadejdavlad1 - English

  • Letter to a friend

  • Ivan, I am so silly.
    • Do you remember when we were speaking on the skype and I was going to send you the link to the book???
    • When I was trying and failed to open me email - I said that I could not enter my email.
    • The reason was not that I had forgot my password but that my keyboard was on Russian fold.
  • ( as you know in order to enter we must use English keys) I noticed it when I was in the process of restoring my email.
  • I am sending you the link to the book and I hope you will enjoy reading it.
    • I have read so far 60 pages.
    • It is written in a comprehensible English and full of everyday words dead useful for improving our English skills and building up vocabulary.
  • So I think it won't be too difficult for you.
  • I hope you enjoy your summer and please take good care of yourself.
  • Please write back.
    • Do not drink too much alcohol it is not good for our health.