
Text z EurasianMeg - English

  • Social Experiment

  • At first, I thought life was a piece of cake but not so much right now.
  • Life just gets harder and harder while you grow up.
    • Some people say life is fair and some say life isn't fair, if you want my opinion, Life isn't fair.
  • Last week, I had my science exam.
    • Due to how hard it was, we could use some help from the teachers.
  • So my friend had a difficulty with a question and asked for help.
  • The answer that the teacher gave was wrong, I knew it was wrong!
    • But we weren't allowed to talk with each other so I couldn't speak up.
  • Another friend asked for help on another question and the given answer from the teacher was right.
    • I was surprised, does the teacher hate my friend or she just doesn't care?
    • You're alone in this life, there's no one to help you, you only got yourself.
  • Don't rely on others and make a fool of yourself.
  • Trust and love yourself.