
Text from FernandoH - English

    • Holidays! Help PLease

    • I have to write about some holiday.
    • So I'll talk abot my last one.
    • In February of present year I went to the south of Chile for a month.
  • I visited Temuco, Toltén, Pucón, Villarica, Pto Montt and Chiloé with my cousins.
    • I think this holiday was one of my best holidays ever, not just for visiting many places, I had many time for my own.
    • Many of these places I was visited for the first time, so I could see carefully many lanscapes.
    • In Febrary I was able to swim in the sea for the first time (I wrote it in other post) and I went to many national parks like Villarrica, Huerquehue and El Cañi.
    • I rented a bicycle in Pucón and I tried to rode at Villarica volcano's base, but i couldn't :c I rode just 4 kilometers, it was too hard!
    • But one week before I rode 75 kilometers between two towns, I made it in just 7 hours, because it was in a rubble way.
    • My bicycle broke but it was so funny and a graeat adventure! and I had found four leaves clover (I brought it and I gave it to many friends in St. Patrick's day!